My foster parents say my breed is “pupfection”.. they may not know my genetics but they say I am WONDERFUL!
At my foster family home, I live in the country and have a big yard to run around
in. I love going outside. I love sunbeams and they even put a big furry bed on the
patio to keep me warm so I can nap while my fur siblings romp in the yard. I get
along great with my fur siblings and I can run with the big ones. I cuddle in for snuggles with them and I am learning to play chase and keep away with toys. I would want to have at least one fur-sibling because I love companionship. I like to be included in what's going on. I love sunbeams, naps, and having a buddy to wrestle and play chase with. I am pretty confident and a very happy pup. I haven’t met cats so I am not sure how I feel about them but I am easy going so I probably would adapt.