Meet Paul! Paul is 4-5 months old and weighs 20lbs. Paul is still pretty timid and hand shy, but he’s slowly warming up to being pet. He has a lot of loose skin and and a soft round face, almost like a sharpei but without all the wrinkles. Paul likes all kinds of chew toys and playing with his brother Ringo. Paul has been sleeping in a crate and does ok with it. Paul will howl or cry for a bit before settling in at night, and he’ll cry when he’s ready to get out in the morning. He is working on housebreaking, but his foster been taking him out every hour, and also letting him out every few hours over night, and he hasn’t had any accidents in the house. Paul is definitely still a puppy so would do well with a household that is willing to put in the love, time and training to teach him how to be the best boy. We think he will likely weigh around 40lbs full grown.